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Top 10 reasons why this cardiovascular training can boost testosterone levels

    High intensity cardiovascular (sprint) training is far more effective to get lean (if that is your goal) than long, steady-state cardiovascular training. It can also boost testosterone levels, therefore, increase sex drive due to the fact it can put your body into a more anabolic  state, compared to long steady-state cardiovascular training.

    The kind of training plan you see to the left is an excellent, high intensity programme that you can do in 30-minutes.

    So what are the top 10 ten reasons for doing it?

    1-  It can be done within 15-30 minutes, which is less stressful on the body.

    2- You can get fit very quickly, as you are always pushing the speed and/or level up at every interval.

    3- It brings on a good sweat in a very short period of time, which is good for de-toxing the body.

    4- It does not put you in as much of a catabolic state as with most cardiovascular programmes.

    5- It will keep you more focused, as you are always trying to beat your previous speed/level from interval to interval.

    6- It can be done on any type of cardiovascular equipment.

    7- You can vary the interval times to suit your fitness level.

    8- You can have the “active resting” speeds/levels (the low points on the graph), to suit your fitness level.

    9- You can vary the “on” phase speeds/levels (the high points on the graph), to suit your fitness level.

    10- It’s more fun and it will get you far more lean!


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