In short, this book says that you don’t catch viruses. You “create” them. For example, getting a cold is not from catching an airborne bug but from your body attempting to detoxify toxins that have been building up in the body.
This makes sense; when people go on a detox, they can develop cold/flu symptoms.
It also explains that HIV is a severe toxicity problem and not a sexually transmitted disease. Other books, such as Virus Mania, also go into this in great detail.
Read Goodbye Germ Theory here for free.
“Good-bye Germ Theory is a must read for all those who love children. It is especially written for parent’s education. You will learn pertinent facts about an ever growing and oppressive medical system that has been rooting themselves into the lives of each American for over 75 years. Unlike other books of its’ kind, Good-bye Germ Theory attacks the actual core of medical belief which is portrayed as science, but turns out to be more like dogmatic religion. Also unique to this book is its’ legal research section. Parents often feel so overwhelmed with the complexities of the legal system, that they succumb to unwanted medical treatment for their children. This book will show you how to know your particular State’s vaccination laws inside-out, so that any person may effectively challenge an oppressive vaccination law using the many legal forms provided.”