There is a huge difference between a “well big” body and a “well-developed” body


I have said to many friends, girls, gym members, guys who lift weights and deluded people in general, “there is a big difference between a ‘well big’ body and a ‘well-developed’ body.” (When it comes to muscular development in men). I know that genetics do play a role to some degree, but a truly well-developed/beautiful … [Read and become more aware…]

How the few truly TRY to control the many


I recently saw this amazing two-hour video of Alan Watt talking about how the few truly TRY to control the many. The description of the video has been copied directly from the Lovinight YouTube channel where the video is hosted. Please continue reading and take out two hours to watch the Alan Watt video below. … [Read and become more aware…]