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Get lean and reduce your body fat with coconut oil

Using coconut oil to improve body composition has been a secret that a lot of athletes and gym-bunnies have known for years. The reason it can help to reduce body fat is due to the fact it contains medium-chain fatty acids, also know as medium-chain triglycerides. (Coconut oil also has to be used (and not abused) with good diet and lifestyle practices).

This type of saturated fat is digested far more easily than its short- and long-chain fatty acid counterparts. The medium-chain fatty acids are sent directly to the liver, where it’s then converted into energy, rather than stored in cells (as with other types of fats).

With this fast absorption, it puts less stress on the pancreas, liver, and digestive system in general. This then heats up your metabolism, therefore, speeds up your basal metabolic rate. Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the rate at which you burn calories (energy from food), at rest.

The faster your metabolic rate is, the more calories you will burn throughout the day. Using coconut oil, along with eating according to your “metabolic type” and lifting weights, is a great combination for getting lean. (Lifting weights boosts your BMR for up to 72 hours after a hard 30-50 minute workout).

Coconut Oil is also high in folic acid, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, potassium and essential fatty acids (EFAs).

Did you know coconut oil can also be used for/on:

Rinsing your mouth out for healthier gums
Frying (at high heat)
Cooking, and
For SEX! (as a lubricant)

You can get some of your own coconut oil here.

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