(Updated 30/12/2024)
After some research online and on GoodReads.com, Valdamar Valerian seems to have put together ten books, but the last one, Matrix VI: Wayfarers of Reality (see the gallery below), appears to be unavailable anywhere (online).
Interestingly, Val left a comment on this blog post in 2021 regarding the Matrix VI: Wayfarers of Reality book.
Read the Matrix books 1 to 5 by Valdamar Valerian here for free and part 5 (volumes 2 and 3) here for free.
You can download books 1-9 here, but you may have to subscribe to do so.
You can listen to all of the books on the Speechify phone app. You can use the free version if you want.
Here is a detailed and critical review of the “controversial” Matrix V book.
Please note: Some people have said that Valdamar Valerain himself said that his first book contains some misinformation. He was still working things out.
I say “was” because, according to this website, it looks like he “died” in 2021.
Update on November 15, 2024: Val has a profile on Amazon.com and left a review on April 12, 2023, so he may be alive.
Update on 12th December
In November, I emailed Val at val_valerian[at]yahoo.com about how the One Light books tie in with the Matrix books. He replied saying:
“Hello …. checked out the link below. His comments on the “Light of Self’ are interesting, however the actual context of existence goes much further than that, and is discussed in the Matrix V series, Quest of the Spirit – The Ultimate Frontier, links to volumes 1 to 3 are available on the Leading Edge Research Journal Online, although volume 4, part 1 and 2, are only available on the Journal Online, because they were never published. See the http://www.trufax.org home page for info relative to subscription, which has probably a hundred comments from people who have subscribed over time.”

Here is more information on books 1 to 4.

Images taken from GoodReads.com
Who is Valdamar Valerian?
Writer of the original “Matrix Series” long before there was a movie called The Matrix, Val Valerian published a voluminous series of publications attempting to chronicle and make sense of the entire paradigm we know as consciousness.
“Valdamar Valerian (John Grace) has researched alien phenomena and interaction with human beings since 1969. He spent 18 months in Southeast Asia from 1970-71 as a combat photographer, where he saw much UFO activity. After spending four years in England from 1980 to 1984 he gathered all the top research at his disposal and [supposedly] released what became known as ‘The Krll Papers,’ forerunner of the 381-page book, ‘The Matrix’, published in 1987.
He began networking with researchers worldwide and started an organization known as the Nevada Aerial Research Group (NAR). In 1988 NAR began issuing a small newsletter detailing research findings. By 1990, this newsletter became known as ’The Leading Edge’ and has grown to a monthly 100-page publication. In April of 1991, NAR moved to Washington State and was renamed the ‘Leading Edge Research Group’.
Between 1988 and 1989 Valerian functioned as Nevada State Section Director for MUFON (Mutual UFO Network). In 1990 he was appointed interim Associate Director for UFO Contact Center International and was a member of the Aerial Phenomenon Research Organization. His massive 581-page work entitled MATRIX II was also released in 1990.
Valerian has a degree both in Civil Engineering and Psychology and had significant input into Nippon Television investigations on alien activities, the research that stimulated the production of the 1989 KLAS award-winning program entitled ’UFO’S: THE BEST EVIDENCE’.”
See his website at www.trufax.org.
The Matrix books have been written in a matter-of-fact way as the author accepts the information in them to be true. The books are A4 in size and between them total over 4,400 pages! They were written between the late 1980s and the 2000s.
The following is a rare radio interview held in 1992 with Valdamar Valerian, in which he discusses Atlantis, Lemuria, Multidimensionality, Consciousness, Ancient Origins, Greys, Mind Control, UFO’s, Remote Viewing, Out-of-Body Experiences, New Grid, the Montauk Project, Merkaba, Drunvalo and much more:
The 4th Dimensional Shift – Val Valerian (Full Length Versio
The 4th Dimensional Shift – Val Valerian interviewed by Laura Lee (10-03-92) (2hr 47min Full Version) Val Valerian On The Laura Lee Show. They discuss Atlantis, Lemura, Multi Dimensionality, Consciousness, Orgins, greys, mind control, UFO’s, remote viewing, OBE, New Grid, Montauck experiment, Merkaba, Drunvalo and much more.
The 4th Dimensional Shift – Val Valerian interviewed by Laura Lee (10-03-92) (2hr 47min Full Version) Val Valerian On The Laura Lee Show.
Val Valerian even wrote about the Soul Trap in his later books. David Icke has also gone into detail on this in these three books.
P.S: Take a look at the One Light books by Jon Whistler, which take things right down to the end of the “rabbit hole.”